dan bila kita sewaktu-waktu ingin mengubah atau menghapus theme tertentu kita bisa lewat menu tool --->addons pada browsers.elamat mecoba dan menikmati..
Friday, November 20, 2009
Mempercantik Browser Mozilla
dan bila kita sewaktu-waktu ingin mengubah atau menghapus theme tertentu kita bisa lewat menu tool --->addons pada browsers.elamat mecoba dan menikmati..
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
detikcom : Jangan Percaya Update Facebook!
summary : Pengguna Facebook kerap jadi sasaran bagi pelaku kejahatan di dunia maya. Salah satunya, Facebooker sebaiknya jangan percaya jika ada iming-iming update dari Facebook. (read more)
Monday, November 16, 2009
Siapa sih penemu kripik kentang?
Friday, November 13, 2009
Get Anything You Want By Changing Your Thinking!
Growing up we aren't taught the proper way of thinking about money. High school doesn't teach us anything useful about it. College doesn't teach any real-world knowledge either. And our parents don't teach us how to think properly about it because they've never been exposed to the laws of attraction that govern the accumulation of money.
Wealthy people know how to THINK about money in the correct way. They learn the proper way of thinking about it to attract it to them. The have discovered the natural laws of attraction that affect how much money enters into their lives. And anyone can learn how to put these laws of attraction to use to increase the amount of money they accumulate.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Broken Ideas And Idea Repair

I’d like to demonstrate some very useful ways this is completely wrong. I’ll do it using, of course, a mime.
Let’s say our mime–for convenience, we can call him Raoul–is on his way to the park to do a little street performance on a sunny May afternoon. For his performance today, Raoul has purchased three dozen imaginary eggs, which he plans to juggle, balance on his nose, perform magic tricks with, etc. He is carrying the imaginary eggs in mime fashion when he slips on an imaginary banana peel on the sidewalk and crashes to the concrete, right on top of his eggs. Now Raoul is a mess, covered with imaginary egg. All of his eggs are ruined, so there go his performance plans for the day, and to top it off, the people in his otherwise fair city are so rude and thoughtless that they leave imaginary banana peels lying all over the place. Oh, and to make it worse, since it was an imaginary banana peel, clearly it was another mime who did it!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
The Discerning Effect Of Gladness
expressive of, marked by, or caused by joy and happiness 4. experiencing delight, pleasure or joy: made pleased; made satisfied, happy or grateful—oftentimes used withof: very willing. The wisdom teacher Qoheleth in the Old Testament taught, “I commend to enjoy life, because
nothing more is good for a person under the sun than to drink and eat and be glad.” (Ecclesiastes 8:15) I think oftentimes we do not truly appreciate the simple pleasures of food like we can, but whenever we are being invited to a dinner or lunch, there’s a true and genuine sense of lookin
g forward to it for the most of us.
Now, that’s a sign of simple gladness. What a sudden flash of thunderous truth is this happening? The true gladness penetrates. I received an email recently from my church and I read with gladness the very gladness of a pastor to see all the great and wonderful ministry of God that surrounds
him. Well, that is what I read (between the lines actually) as he is lifting one person
after another up to the wh
ole e-congregation—the Spirit of God at work. Gladness has a certain infectious joy about it. It is full of love; it refuses to be swayed by anything but the best, although it could also view and handle the worst.
I recall an old spiritual quoting Isaiah “wear a garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.”No matter what the circumstances are, as long as the smile is there, there is life, pure and simple. Being glad is a simple feeling or emotion; just like joy. And it is in this sense of inherent joy, the one described by those in the early church which I think Paul was referring to when he prodded the followers of the
Way to “Do all without arguing and complaining…become pure and bla
meless… and shine like the stars.” (Philippians 2:14-15). There is possibly no other large collection of specialized writings so scattered with joy as this.We could either be made happy or make happy yet there is a more primary or more profound gladness of disposition. Life is priceless and essential. If gladness could get us even just halfway there why will we not automatically be more glad? Gladness has true and divinely anointed strength about it. Being glad and able to enjoy simple happiness of life for whatever they are , are not trying so hard. This is the genuine secret of God’s grace; we let His love that never condemns enter into our awareness and we know the help of the Spirit which causes joy of disposition; happiness…that brings us peace and other virtues. www.articlecity.com
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
How to Remove and Uninstall Vista
Important: Don’t use this guide if your dual-boot system is Windows Vista.
1. Boot your PC and go to Windows desktop.
2. Put the Windows Vista DVD installation disc to DVD-ROM or CD-ROM optical drive.
Otherwise, mount the image of Windows Vista DVD ISO on any virtual drive.
3. Open Command Prompt, or click Start menu to go to Run command.
4. In the Run text box or the command prompt, issue the subsequent command and press Enter:
[DVD Drive Letter]:bootbootsect.exe /nt52 ALL /force
For instance,
If the DVD path is D:, then key in the following:
D:bootbootsect.exe /nt52 ALL /force
The step will eliminate the boot menu to choose OS to begin.
5. Eject the DVD disc and restart the PC.
6. The PC will open up with Windows XP setup partition.
7. Manually eliminate folders and files of Windows Vista, including Program Files, Windows, and Users folder. If you are installing to divide partition, simply format the separation to clean it immediately.
8. On the root folder of Windows XP, erase BootSect.BAK and Boot.BAK. The 2 files are scrap backup files of previously placed Windows Vista boot-loader, but no longer helpful for Windows XP system.
Tip: NT52 is the Master Boot Record or MBR used by Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP, while Windows Vista utilizes NT6. So if you are going to uninstall Windows 7 in Vista/7 dual-boot system, alter the NT52 in the prompt to NT60.
Fast Shortcut: It is possible to arrange the Windows Vista partition immediately as well, and then begin the computer with Windows XP installation CD to fix the partition, or open the “bootsect /nt52 c:” command from the boot folder of Operating System immediately to fix the boot partition.www.articlebase.com
Monday, November 2, 2009
3 Reasons Online Entrepreneurs Love Affiliate Marketing
The affiliate marketing business models is a favorite amongst online entrepreneurs for many different reasons. As the age of the internet continues to mature more people are working online from home. Many are starting a small business in the field of affiliate marketing due to the affordable startup costs. In fact the online affiliate marketing business offers several outstanding advantages.
Here are 3 compelling reasons why the affiliate business is such a popular choice for many today.
Low Startup Costs
An affiliate business involves selling products produced by others. These products are warehoused and shipped if necessary, at the expense of the manufacturer. Even customer support is a function handled by the product creator.
The only expenses left to the affiliate are any advertising cost or other expenses that may be related to the hosting and/or maintenance of a website or blog. Interestingly enough an affiliate marketer does not even need to have their own website and there are numerous and cost free ways to advertise on the internet that can be used.
Technical Skills Not Required
In the earlier stages of internet marketing the technical aspects of working online created a barrier for many. Now navigating the online world has been reduced pretty much to a point and click approach. As a result virtually anybody who now desires to 'operate' anything online is no longer challenged by these technical barriers.
Ability to Profit Quickly
The products you are promoting as an affiliate are proven and already in demand. Furthermore they are supported by websites with professional sales copy and graphics. This leaves only traffic generation up to the typical marketer. The results are that most experience profits pretty quickly and this type positive reinforcement strengthens their resolve to continue and grow their business.
Online entrepreneurs today are fortunate to be able to take advantage of the global reach of the internet. Many have flocked in particular to the online affiliate marketing business due mainly as we've mentioned to the very low startup costs of this particular business model. The built-in flexibility of affiliate marketing now has many starting a small business in just about any field of their choosing. Given the opportunity to pursue the dream of working online from home has re ignited the spirit of the entrepreneur in people worldwide. At the core of this resurgence is the affiliate business model and with some of the advantages it offers as we reviewed above, it is easy to see why. Source:www.articlecity.com